Tuesday, July 9, 2013

We leave in less than 24 Hours.........Ready to GO.

Denali (Mt. McKinley)from 30,00ft

If you are following our upcoming 4 family Mission trip to Stebbins Alaska, I have enclosed below an Itinerary as well some specific daily prayer requests. We will be updating as frequently as we can, but we do have some limited connectivity during this trip. Please be in prayer for our team as well as those who we will be living along side in Alaska. We are grateful and blessed to have so many interested in this trip. This trip is the first full family oriented trip and there are many uncertainties and concerns. We do however know that the safest place to be is in the center of Gods will... and so we GO!!

Yours In Christ,
Team Stebbins

Team Stebbins AK-  Russell, Meredith, Rachel and Sarah Post;  Lee, Jenny, Judd and Anna Lee Shank; Mike, Ronna and Chloe Green; and Grace Meeks. Note that Sarah, Judd and Annalee are traveling children and are not missionaries by church definition. We call them our junior missionaries.

Trip Agenda/Itinerary -
Weds 10 - leave charlotte at 5:54 pm, Flights and travel , arrive in Nome at 9:00 following morning.

Thurs 11- arrive in Nome, access supplies and gear. Help with mission outreach and building and equipment repairs at Nome Community Baptist Church. Spend night in Nome at church.

Fri 12- fly early with all gear to Stebbins AK on 8 seat planes. Long flight 2.5 hrs over Alaska wilderness. Get with ministry partner( the Katcheak family) to set up parameters, rules and agenda and teaching structure for camp. Develop safe boundaries and structure for 6 days of camp. Sleep in AOG church in Stebbins

Sat 13- Transport supplies, kids, families, and get camp set up 12-15 miles from Stebbins up river from the Norton Sound. Expecting 60-80 campers and aprox 20 adults.

Sun 14-18 camp activities, 1 hour worship in morning and in evening. Daily activities are fishing, gathering from land food, building projects. Cleaning, curing and smoking fish fir winter. Evening devotionals and lessons around camp fire. Planning all teaching and lessons as we get feel for where these kids are, praying for discernment in this area,

Thurs 18- break camp and return all camp and people to Stebbins
Spend evening assessing camp and needs with Katcheak family

Fri 19-Sat 20 and Sunday 21-  Flights back to Nome, debrief with team and assist Pastor Bruce with his missionaries teams and support in Nome for 2 days. Rekindle old relationships in Nome. Work at elderly center and Battered women's shelter

Sunday 21- Help out with Sunday service in Nome Community Baptist Church, praying for revival in Nome.
 Monday 22- Fly to Anchorage- Picked up by IMB Missionary Brenda Crimm and transport to her summer missions work around anchorage serving in youth ministry food program. Spend 2 days at her camp in Kenai Peninsula near Anchorage.
Tuesday 23- Free day of Halibut fishing and sightseeing or further assistance with summer missions work around Anchorage? 
Weds 24- Fly out  at 1:00 am arrive home at 5:00pm to Charlotte-
Prayer Requests for each day of trip-
July 10th- Travel safety and on time flights and smooth arrival of baggage- Pray for compassion, wisdom, discernment, Holy Spirit filling within the entire Team
11th- Pray that we encourage Pastor Bruce in Nome. Focus and prepare for the coming week of camp.- Pray for Mike, Ronna and Chloe Green
12th- Safe arrival in Stebbins- travel Safety- Catch up and encourage the Katcheak family as we prepare agenda for camp. Pray for Kellan and Marlene Katcheak
13th- Pray for eyes, ears and hearts to be open as camp starts- Pray for the campers who arrive. Point out the pain and the lostness to our eyes.
14th- First full day of camp, Pray for a Sunday Service that gives full Glory to God in the Highest, Pray for and Grace Meeks-
15th- Pray for safety around the river for everyone as well as safety from the wildlife (Grizzlies, Moose), Pray for Lee and Jenny Shank, Annalee and Judd
16th- Pray that we are able to find the right connection point in scripture and teachings, Pray for Russell Post
17th- Pray that all families honor the Lord as an example of Godly relations and balance within the family, Pray for Meredith, Sarah and Rachel
18th - Pray that there is a revival and filling of the Holy Spirit moving within every heart in the camp- Pray for changed lives as camp breaks
19th- Pray for travel mercies and safety for all involved 80-100, Pray for the enemy to be held back as campers return Home
20th- Pray for us to find and rekindle past relationships, Pray for energy and endurance for the team.
21th- Pray that we are so full of the Spirit that we introduce everyone we run into in Nome to our friend Jesus. Pray for supernatural boldness.
22th- Pray that with our help, clarity is found for the next Pastor of Nome Community Baptist Church. Pray for Pastor Bruce Landry
23th- Pray that we can make a difference with all the children we meet in Anchorage, Pray that we can find one lost sheep and help him find His Creator
24th- Travel mercies and safety- Pray we arrive home healthy and ready to share clearly the Mission, Pray for the hearts of CCC to be broken for the lostness in our communities and beyond.  
As requests, needs, burdens or emergencies come up, I will try to relay them.
Thank You so much for your passion for the Lost,
Your Brother in Christ
Russell Post-Team Leader

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